M and M Film Club is a community based club that gives you loyalty based rewards and NFT content.

Visit the Film Club by clicking on the link below.


What is an NFT?

A non-fungible token (NFT) is a unique digital identifier that is recorded on a blockchain, and is used to certify ownership and authenticity. It cannot be copied, substituted, or subdivided. The ownership of an NFT is recorded in the blockchain and can be transferred by the owner, allowing NFTs to be sold and traded.

  • By visiting the M and M Film Club you will have the option to collect film art and earn monthly. Buy and hold the NFT’s or sell and trade them. It is your choice.

  • A blockchain is a distributed database or ledger shared among a computer network's nodes. They are best known for their crucial role in cryptocurrency systems for maintaining a secure and decentralized record of transactions, but they are not limited to cryptocurrency uses. Blockchains can be used to make data in any industry immutable—the term used to describe the inability to be altered.

  • 1. Official M&M film production NFT’s are sold only from our store.

    2. The NFT’s come with there own COA (certificate of authenticity)

    3. Only official NFT’s will allow you to earn from our various projects or platform.

    4. The NFT’s will have the following 4 tiers, each tier has its own function.

    A. M&M Bronze club NFT = basic NFT art

    B. M&M Silver club NFT = NFT art + a physical earning object

    C. M&M Gold club NFT = Rare art + a increased revenue object

    D. M&M VIP club NFT = Ultra rare art + seat to a exclusive event